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Gold members

Directly involved in the standardization process and the creation of the IETF Drafts.

Gilles LehmannTelecom SudParis
After more than 30 years in a large system integration company Gilles is now a Researcher Engineer at Telecom Sud Paris. Gilles created and managed multiple incident detection tools (Prelude Siem, Vigilo NMS and Unity CyPhy) for nearly 15 years. During those years the need for incident detection convergence became more and more obvious. Gilles is now leader of the IDMEFv2 Task Force and author of the IDMEFv2 IETF drafts.
Thomas AndrejakCS Group
Thomas is CTO of the Defense & Security Business Unit of CS Group. CS Group designs, develops, deploys, maintains and operates smart, safe and interconnected systems. Thomas is co-author of the IETF drafts.
Gabriele GiuntaEngineering
Gabriele is a Reasearch Project Director expert in critical infrastructure security. Gabriele has driven a large H2020 research projet (7Shield22 partners – 12 countries ) where IDMEFv2 has been used for physical and cyber complex and combined threat detection. « The use of the IDMEFv2 format was essential for our experiments. About thirty technical modules of our system architecture are able to communicate each other thanks to this format in a very effective and seamless way. We are looking forward to supporting a future standardization.« 
Tim Stelkens-KobschDLR
Tim is an aviation security researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt). Since 2013, Tim has led or participated to several cyber & physical research projects including FP7 GAMMA (19 partners from 8 countries, H2020 SATIE (18 partners from 10 countries, and H2020 PRAETORIAN (23 partners from 7 countries, Tim is now convinced that standardizing the communication amongst entities will be of great favour for the entire security landscape.
Herve DebarTelecom SudParisHervé is deputy director of Telecom Sud Paris and a head of the cybersecurity research department. Hervé is an intrusion detection expert for 20 years. He was working at IETF on IDMEFv1 and is co-author of the IDMEFv1 RFC 4765.
François DéchelleTeclib Group
François is cybersecurity research project manager at Teclib, an open-source software editor. François is actively participating at the development of open-source libraries and tools IDMEFv2.
Gold members

Silver members

Philippe TourronAP-HM
Philippe is CISO & SSI risk and crisis trainer at APHM (Public Hospital in Marseille). He was  recently coordinator of a large european research project (SafeCare20 partners – 10 countries) on integrated cyber-physical security health services. An equivalent of the 7Shield project but in the medical environment. Today, a major focus drives him: bringing together the management of cyber and physical security to prepare IS players and managers to face ever more agile threats.
Eric LeblondStamus Networks
(France, USA)
Eric, CTO of Stamus Networks and major contributor of Suricata, has been using IDMEFv1 for years. IDMEFv1 is powerful but also over complicated so Eric is very interested by the V2 simplifications as well as the hybrid approach (physical and cyber) brought by.
Alex TalebEuler Data Solutions
Co-founder of Euler Data Solutions, Alexandre has been the architect of different Intelligence systems and solutions for critical and complex security environments. He carries twenty years of experience in several countries with international organizations.
Mark PohlmannAeteos
Mark is Founder & CEO at Aeteos, a company provider of Cognitive Computing solutions. Mark is also involved in the #IWAS association and has developed a prototype able to detect pedo-criminality behaviour in online chats. Mark is interested in IDMEFv2 which could serve as a basis to describe those kind of behaviour detection. IDMEFv2 shows here it’s universality.
Bernard RousselyBeware Cyberlabs
Bernard is cofounder of Beware Cyberlabs. His company proposes cyber ranges to train cyber work forces. The company also develops a comprehensive cyber deception solution. Bernard is interested in upgrading his platform at the cyber-physical level using IDMEFv2 as a combined detection format.
Olivier Balet CS Group
Dr Olivier Balet is the Chief Scientific Officer of CS GROUP’s Defense, Security and Air Traffic Management Business Unit. He is also in charge of the scientific supervision of the RTD (Research & Technolgy Development) initiatives for the whole group. His main areas of expertise include eXtended Realities and advanced location-based experiences, 3D simulation and rendering, crisis management and homeland security. Olivier is studying IDMEFv2 for implementation in CRIMSON, a C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)
Silver members

Bronze members

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